
What is Kybella?

Kybella is an FDA approved injectable that is designed to help destroy fat cells under the chin. Once Kybella™ is injected into the fat under the chin it works to dissolve the fat and leave you with a more defined profile.


Kybella is a one-of-a-kind product. One of the most flattering things of a person’s profile is having a chiseled, defined chin. If you have excess fat under your chin or a double chin, then you may feel a bit self-conscious about your profile and overall appearance. But, unless you want to undergo surgery, you may think that you are stuck with your double chin. One thing that you may not realize is that you have another option to choose from including an injection called Kybella.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?


During your initial consultation with our staff, we will better be able to determine just how many treatments you will need. Typically treatments are 6-8 weeks apart and you may need more than 1 treatment to achieve your desired result.

Is Kybella Right For Me?


Typically, Kybella is good for patients who are otherwise healthy and who:

Are bothered by the fat under their chin, Feel like their double chin makes them look older or heavier set than they actually are, Don’t want to go through surgery, Eat well and exercise a lot but can’t get rid of their double chin.


How Does Kybella Work?


The main ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid which works to naturally breakdown and absorb dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella works to destroy the fat cells and give patients a noticeably thinner profile.


How Long Do The Results Last?


One of the many benefits of Kybella, is that because it works to actually destroy existing fat cells, results should be permanent and no further treatment may be necessary for maintenance.


How Much Can I Expect To Spend?


The cost of Kybella varies from patient to patient based on your own anatomy and desired result. A consultation with one of our injectors is absolutely necessary before treatment and additional vials may be needed based on result.


What Are The Side Effects?


The most common side effects of Kybella are swelling, tendernesss, numbness, bruising, redness, and hardness around the treatment site. The more swelling – the better because that means the Kybella™ is working its magic!

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