

VTone is a vaginal rejuvenation technology that provides electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles. An applicator is gently inserted into the vagina, which emits waves that stimulate and contract the muscles. This treatment strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, tightens the vagina, and reduces urinary incontinence.

How Does VTone Work?

VTone is recommended for any woman who experiences urinary incontinence who wishes to avoid a bladder mesh surgery. Women who wish to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles for sexual enhancement for themselves and their partner should also benefit from treatment. VTone, on the Empower platform by InMode, is a highly effective and non-invasive treatment that helps to tone and train muscles of the pelvic floor. During a VTone treatment a single-use electrostimulator, about the size of a tampon, is placed into the vaginal canal to trigger involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions tone and tighten the pelvic floor, particularly those muscle fibers weakened or overstretched during pregnancy and childbirth.


What Can I Expect During A VTone Treatment?



A thorough consultation is one of the most critical parts to successful treatment with the EmpowerRF platform. Your provider will discuss your concerns as well as your medical history to determine if you are truly a candidate for this procedure. For best results, all three components of the EmpowerRF platform are typically recommended. These treatments are ideal for women experiencing a variety of feminine wellness concerns. These unpleasant issues can afflict women at any age, although childbirth and menopause can often be either the cause or a significant contributing factor.

For women who still have a period, time your treatment for the time of month following the completion of your period. Ideal candidates meet the following requirements:

Are generally in good health with no serious medical concerns
Are not pregnant
Are not at risk of STDs, a yeast infection, or a bladder infection
Would like to boost self-confidence and improve sexual health
Would like to correct vaginal laxity, dryness, and/or urinary incontinence



We ask that you are shaved and not currently on your menstrual cycle. We ask that you have not had sexual intercourse for a few days prior to the procedure. Please follow all pre-procedure instructions that we give you. VTone treatments are gentle and require no anesthetic. We provide your procedure in a private, relaxing room.



During a VTone treatment a single-use electrostimulator, about the size of a tampon, is placed into the vaginal canal to trigger involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions tone and tighten the pelvic floor, particularly those muscle fibers weakened or overstretched during pregnancy and childbirth. VTone is a quick and painless procedure – completed in approximately 30 minutes, without anesthesia, surgery or downtime.


What Can I Expect After A VTone Treatment?


VTone treatments are performed in the office, usually in a series of 6-8 treatments over three months. VTone is quick and painless procedure – completed in 30 minutes, without anesthesia, surgery or downtime. Most patients report increased urinary control, reduced bladder leakage, and improved sexual sensation after a VTone series. Results are cumulative, with most patients realizing optimal strengthening 1-2 weeks after their final treatment. Maintenance treatments are performed annually. VTone quickly restores patient confidence and quality of life, without surgery or downtime.


There is no downtime to worry about after your treatments. You may experience some swelling, redness or sensitivity, but these temporary side effects only last for a few days and should not interfere with you returning to your usual activities or work. Wait for 3-7 days before having intercourse again, and keep the area moisturized with a substance such as coconut oil or creams we prescribe. Specific aftercare instructions will be provided by your provider. You can also check out our aftercare instructions on the website for more information. As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns.

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