
What is Sculptra?

Collagen, the most common protein in the body, helps to support the skin’s inner structure—and when it is gradually lost in the face, deep folds and wrinkles result. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps reduce the look of smile lines, marionette lines, and chin wrinkles by stimulating your body to revitalize collagen production and restore your skin’s volume naturally.


Over a series of treatments, Sculptra’s biodegradable, biocompatible synthetic material is gradually absorbed by the body as it helps rebuild the skin’s inner structure, addressing one of the underlying causes of facial aging. The result is a subtle restoration of youthful fullness that can last up to two years, without ever looking like you’ve “had work done.”


What Can I Expect During A Sculptra Treatment?



A thorough consultation is one of the most critical parts to successful treatment with Sculptra. Your injector will discuss your concerns as well as your medical history to determine if Sculptra is right for you. It is important to understand that Sculptra results are gradual and not immediate like dermal fillers. Our providers will also take “before” photos during this time so we can follow your progress through your aesthetic journey.



The injector will cleanse your face with topical sanitizers and then apply a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort during your injections. The Sculptra is prepared with lidocaine which helps minimize discomfort during treatment. The provider will also prepare the Sculptra and gather any other supplies during this time. The injector may use a facial pencil to “map” out your facial features to help guide the injections for the most natural and customized result.



The injector will then use a needle and/or blunt tip cannula to administer the Sculptra after you have been properly cleansed again. The injector may continue to assess and have you express multiple times throughout the treatment to ensure the best results. While not pain-free, Estetica MedSpa offers multiple comfort measures in addition to the numbing to ensure the treatment is as comfortable as possible. Typically treatment lasts approximately 60 minutes.


What Can I Expect After A Sculptra Treatment?



Results will gradually appear over a period of months. You may have some bruising and swelling immediately following the injections. The amount and duration of treatment will be discussed during your consult. We will see you every 6-8 weeks for re-treatment or a follow up.



Specific aftercare instructions will be provided by your injector. The most important aftercare instruction is that you massage the treated areas 5 minutes/5 times a day/5 days. You can also check out our aftercare instructions on the website for more information.

We invite you to take the first step on a path that celebrates the symphony of your individuality.


At Estetica MedSpa, you’re not just a client; you’re family. A family that thrives on the joy of discovery and the bonds of a shared journey.